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History of Tarot Cards

QUESTION: What is the history of tarot cards?


The history of tarot cards is somewhat unknown. In fact, several versions of its history exist. Some claim that tarot cards originated in China, while others claim India or Egypt. Some think that in n the late 14th century, the tarot cards first appeared in their present form. Others believe that the cards were introduced into Western Europe by the gypsies in the 15th century.

Apparently, tarot cards began as a card game called tarocchi and were not associated with fortune telling. However, over time, they became connected to fortune telling and then the occult. Records from a trial in Venice (1589) evidences that tarot cards may have been associated with witchcraft at that time.

Tarot cards are sets of 78 cards which display images which represent forces of nature and virtues/vices of man. The pictures on the tarot cards have changed through its history as the cards have traveled from location to location.

Learn More about Tarot Cards!

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